All Traveller\ persons in the locality are deemed to be members of the community and providing they have reached voting age, which shall be EIGHTEEN YEARS, and are associated with the project entitled to nominate candidates for, and to take part in the election of the committee. A member must have signed attendance at a minimum of 3 meetings per year (not including AGM or EGM) in order to have a vote in election.


(1)         The Committee shall be elected for a period of three years.

(2)         The committee shall consist of:

(a) Elected representatives or representatives from each project as defined by the committee and approved by a General Meeting of the projects reps, such representatives to be elected by ballot by the members of the project reps as defined in Rule 3 above.

(b) Nominated representatives from voluntary organisations as defined by the committee, and co-options.  Two of the co-options may be held by a young person between 16 to 21 years of age.  The combined nominations and co-options should not exceed one third of the overall number of the Committee.

(c) Nominated representatives and co-options must be proposed and seconded and accepted by two-thirds or more of the members present.

(3)       The filling of a vacancy on the committee will be done at the A.G.M

(4)       The committee shall be elected for a period of three years.  It shall, be by nomination and   ballot, elect from its members an Executive Committee comprising: Chairperson, Vice-   Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and a PRO.  It shall be permissible for the position of PRO to be held by one of the other officers.  This election shall take place at the first meeting of the committee after the AGM or as soon as possible thereafter.

No particular office shall be held for more than three consecutive years and no member may seek the same office until a year has elapsed.

(5)       In the event of the organisation embarking on a major project involving property, legal advice shall be sought regarding a system that would limit liability.

(6)       The Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year and more if this is deemed necessary.

(7)       Unexplained absence from three successive meetings of the committee, may be understood and taken as implicit resignation from the committee by the member concerned.

(8)       One more than a third of the number of members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of any meetings of the Committee, properly convened.

(9)        The committee, may, from time to time, appoint such sub-committees as it may consider necessary or expedient for the purpose of carrying out specific projects and such sub-committees shall conduct their business in accordance with directions of the committee.  It shall, where appropriate, appoint one of its members as chairperson of each sub-committee and he/she shall submit a written progress report of the sub-committee at each meeting of the committee unless otherwise directed by the committee.

(10)     Sub-committees shall be encouraged to co-opt members of the community considered suitable for the particular work on hand or because of their leadership and skills.

(11)     The Executive Committee shall be responsible for all external negotiations on behalf of the Committee and sub-committees.  It may, however, delegate the authority to members of the Committee or of the sub-committees.

(12)      The Executive Committee shall have the right to meet in private from time to time.

(13)      The Executive Committee shall have the power to convene Committee meetings.

(14)      The Chairperson at any meeting shall, in the event of a tie, have a second or casting vote.

(1)         The Annual General Meeting of the Committee shall be held in the last quarter of each year.

(2)        All members of the local committee and its project members shall be given 14 days’ notice of the date, time and venue of the AGM.

(3)       All members of the local committee and local associated projects are entitled to attend the AGM and to take part in the general discussion. ** Only members of the committee and the project reps may vote at the AGM.  The Committee, in voting, shall take cognisance of the views expressed by the local community. **A member must have signed attendance at a minimum of 3 meetings per year (not including AGM or EGM)

(4)       The AGM shall include reports from officers of the Committee and its sub-committees followed by a general discussion.

(5)        One more than a third of elected members shall constitute a quorum for the AGM.

(6)        A Special General Meeting may be called by resolution of the Committee for discussion of an urgent matter which has serious or urgent implications for the Committee and the Traveller and local community as a whole.

(7)        An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by:

(a) A resolution of the Committee,


(b) By written request of at least 30 members of the local projects aged 18 years or over.

In both cases the reason for the EGM must be clearly stated.  The written request must include the names and addresses of those requesting the meeting, as well as stating on each page of the signatories the purpose for which the meeting was being called.

(8)      The Extraordinary General Meeting must be held as soon as possible after the written request has been handed to the Secretary of the organisation, allowing for 14 days’ notice to be given to the committee and project participant’s as for an AGM.

(9)         All members of the local Traveller community are entitled to attend the EGM and to take part in the general discussion.  Only members of the Committee and its project reps may vote at the EGM, taking cognisance of the views expressed by the local community.

6.      FINANCE

(1)         All moneys and funds of the Western Traveller and Intercultural Development, shall be deposited as soon as:

(a)  An account is opened in a Financial Institution as designated by a resolution of the committee in the name of the committee, by the Chairperson and Secretary.  All cheques and other withdrawal of funds, moneys or cash on behalf of the committee shall be signed by the Treasurer and Chairperson or Secretary or any other person or persons nominated by the Committee.

(b) Moneys and funds in the Financial Institution belonging to the committee may be put on deposit in the same manner to gain interest if sufficient moneys are available at any time.

(2)         The members of the committee, shall not incur any personal liability and be indemnified from the assets of the committee.

(3)         The Treasurer shall only be accountable for such moneys as he/she may actually receive.

(4)         The financial year of the Committee shall end on the thirty-first day of December in each year, to which date the accounts shall be balanced and a Statement shall be prepared for the next Annual General Meeting. All accounts will be sent to the Auditor. The exception being the CE scheme which finishes in mid-March of each year.


The committee must take out a Public Liability Insurance to indemnify members against all or any claims, damages, demands, actions, costs or proceedings arising from, or in any way connected with the employment of any person or persons or company or any person or persons who may at any time render voluntary assistance or help in any manner whatever to the committee.


The committee shall endeavour to maintain continuous contact with the community which it represents, and to keep people informed of all plans, activities and progress by means of periodical newsletters, information days, exhibitions, face-book, twitter, etc.


Only an extraordinary or Annual General Meeting shall have the power to alter or amend this constitution, written notice of any proposed alteration or amendment shall be submitted to the Secretary not later than thirty days before the date of such a meeting.  Any such amendment or alteration must be carried by a two thirds majority of all present and entitled to vote.  All members of the community must be notified of any proposed amendment not less than seven days before the meeting.



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